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Dental Photography

Dental photography is an important element in creating a path to a natural, confident and stunning smile by evaluating and recording the esthetic and functional problems as a part of the consulting process. The communication between a patient, dentist and a dental ceramist is significally enhanced by pictures and videos that are taken during multiple stages of the treatment in order to understand the relationship between lips, gums, teeth, and smile considering the facial features in motion and without. Dental photography is critical for dental ceramists to use in order to create high-quality prosthetics, as well as achieving a significally higher level of accuracy and consistency. Implementation of dental photography gives a patient an optimal level for getting an excellent result every time.

Custom Shade Visit

Matching restorations to natural dentition in the anterior esthetic zone can be challenging. The custom shade office visit consists of shade mapping and dental photography. Patients accomplish the best appearance match and satisfaction with restorations when shade matching evaluation is performed by a professional ceramic artist. Considering that each patient has individual face and mouth structure, matching crowns with natural teeth is always accomplished more successfully by face to face interaction with a ceramic artist. Other benefits of custom shade services are accurate translucency, chroma, and value. Custom shade visit can take place either at your practice location or Simpatico Dental Studio based on your and patients’ preferences.  

Diagnostic Models

Diagnostic Model is an exceptionally useful case planning tool that results in more accurate and clear understanding of a patient’s intended plan of treatment. Our experienced dental ceramist will create a preliminary accurate diagnostic model of a patient’s mouth mounted on a semi adjustable articulator, explain and recommend necessary restorative and/or cosmetic treatments. The model will be used as an initial example of the desired final outcome that patients can expect from dental procedures during consultations in order to give them more confidence in the process. In addition, these models can be used to create pull-downs and matrices for preparation guides and temporization.

Diagnostic Wax up

Diagnostic Wax up is a process that helps to foresee the final outcome. Diagnostic wax-up is created on a stone model specifying details of the design for proper function and tooth form. One of the advantages of having a wax-up is a better understanding during the preparation stage by using it to create a preparation guide that shows a clear picture of the tooth reduction necessities. Simpatico Dental Studio has a proper understanding of what is required to achieve such as ideal esthetics and the golden proportion for a successful smile design. Diagnostic wax-up develops before and after visualizations, motivating patients to accept proposed dental procedures by literally seeing their future smile.

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